Tuesday 17 April 2012

On Ice

After 15 years on non-slip luxury and the safety of substance underneath my feet, my friend decided she wanted to tick another assignment off her never-ending list of things to do before she dies.

So after sailing in the relentless hot sun without a stir of breeze, I had to quickly shower off the layers of sweat and sunscreen, make myself look half decent and then start squeezing into jeans, sweaters and jacket without forgetting my mittens and pom pom beanie. Yep, we were going ice-skating!

My friend did her reserach and Perth is lucky enough to have 3 ice skating rinks *sarcasm* We have two within a couple of kilometres of one another, where my friend lives and one about 40 minutes South. Of course she chose the one South. Her reasoning? Cockburn Ice Arena has Saturday disco night!

When we got there we thought it was closed. We could hear the faint sound of music but could not see through the screens covering the windows. We opened the door to be greeted by a blast of crisp cold air, the smell of the ice and the rubber, and music that makes you want to jump and dance. We were excited!

After getting our skates from an American sounding boy, who I am pretty sure got the job for authenticity, we went up to the bleachers and donned our big plastic skates and gingerly walked down the steps to put blade to ice. Oh, the adrenalin and fear of losing control!

After two laps around the arena, we were pros! It was exhilarating! It was invigorating! I felt free!

Meanwhile I had big burly boys skating around, behind and in front of me, wooshing and spraying ice and doing all sorts of tricks to take me off guard. I had teeny girls doing spins and graceful one-legged poses with arms in the air. It got me motivated to try out a few of my own not-yet-discovered tricks. So off to the middle of the rink to try and go backwards, whoops! Around, woah! And on one leg, eek!

After a couple of hours with a lighter heart, runny nose and a big smile we left the arena with a promise to come back within the next 15 years of our lives.